Now that you’ve gotten to know us a little better, you might be wondering why we named our team The Legacy Group? Truth is it’s a very simple story. One weekend on the way to the mountains for some fun with cousins, we knew this was the next step in our real estate journey and were trying to figure out where to go with it. We brainstormed names all the way to Asheville and back with inspiration coming everywhere from the flowers on the side of the road to the graphics on the 18-wheeler truck next to us. Just when our brains were all tuckered out and we hadn’t really found the answer, this beautiful song by Nichole Nordeman came on the radio. Here’s the lyrics:
I don’t mind if you’ve got something nice to say about me
And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
And you could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
Of all the who’s-who’s and so-and-so’s
That used to be the best at such and such,
It wouldn’t matter much.
I won’t lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights,
We all need an ‘Atta boy’ or ‘Atta girl’
But in the end I’d like to hang my hat on more besides
The temporary trappings of this world.
I want to leave a legacy,
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to you enough?
To make a mark on things
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace
Who blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy.
Real Estate life can be so competitive with lots of agents vying for local celebrity status. That’s not us at all. In fact, it’s feels kind of embarrassing to put our face out their so much. What we really want to do with our business and with our life is to Love God and Love Others Well. We want that to be true in our family, our business, and in every encounter we have with the community around us. We are not only in Real Estate for Provision, we are also in Real Estate as a Mission. To help people improve their quality of life and financial well-being. That matters and will matter for generations to come. This song just really captured our heart and became a guiding light for us as we seek to help others in their endeavor to buy, sell, and invest in properties.